
torsdag 13 augusti 2015

Cure for RA reumatoid artrit, ghout.

The cause for RA is 70% lack of vitamin E. 20% person likes curry. 10% to much meat.
Will cure if adjusting these variables to max. Yes in 5 months.
Add calcium in 4months.
Add ABCB in 2 months.
Add 3 neodymium magnets a 98€ it can take 25 days.
Add 2 hours of meditation per day in 20 days.

Use of olive oil only  causes a lot of reumatism. Sp. gota. Something for hotels and restaurants to think about. Take 1 part sunflower oil and 2 parts olive oil. Lack of omega3, is in olive oil, can cause fibromyalgi, pain anywhere or everywhere.
This oil mix reduces cancer by 15%. A better mix by 25, and tastes better also, but more complicated. Would increase sale on a restaurant. 10%

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